
Space + Art             In the past 8 weeks we have been analyzing how math, science and technology influence art. Today we are combining these fields together and exploring space. The monumental achievement of reaching space required mathematicians, engineers, scientist, and an idea. This idea has been floating around for centuries, it has been seen on ancient Egyptian pyramids, and throughout historic civilizations. The fascination of viewing the stars with the naked eyed has evolved with the help of technology. The instrument created was the telescope by Galileo Galilei in 1609 and it has progressed immensely to what it is today. Below is a picture of a Galileo’s prototype telescope.   In more recent times, during the 20 th century Konstantin Tsiolkovsky described humans colonizing space in his work. He imagined a space station with a greenhouse, laboratory, living quarters, and a docking space for aircrafts (Vesna Lecture 1).   These concepts are being worked on today so
Event 3: Planner for final 6/4- Choose a topic, artist and start introduction   6/5- Research topic and artist + Work on background and current state 6/6- Continue research + work on project into the future 6/7- Prepare outline to study for quiz / also get paper proof read and attend a writing center session 6/8- Study for quiz / Hopefully have paper done and double check work with TA 6/9- Complete final quiz / If the paper is complete, proof read, and if checked with TA submit it early and enjoy my weekend ;) 6/10- If not finalize paper :( 6/11-Turn in Final paper
Nanotech + Art After reading The Nanomeme Syndrome: Blurring of fact & fiction in the construction of a new science By Jim Gimzewski and Victoria Vesna, I got a better understanding of the Nano size and how nanotechnology will drastically change the future of humanity. The direction of this field is beneficial to aid environmental issues, advancing the medical field, engineering, and changing the human biology. Connecting the article to the lecture videos I kept asking myself, how is this going to change the way we view art? considering everything Nano related is invisible to the naked eye.              The first artwork I consider is the pattern created by The Scanning Tunneling Microscope (STM) that was created in 1980 by IBM. This device was new form of a microscope that used a needle to map the surface of an atom and sent the images to a computer. This image illustrates the depth mapping of silicon. With a computer program the map can be colored to express